Protected: Liability Formula
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There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Instead of blocking people out and ignoring their plight, one should make people actively want to leave back home or elsewhere? Under the right circumstances, people would volunteer to leave Germany. A little more on that later. It’s been three years since I left…
Yesterday I spoke to a potential client as part of helping them recruit people who want to work and we discussed the work culture of young people, he was bitching about their attitude. The only problem is that this mindset is partially created by…
Recently I stumbled upon this line and after some clearing up of definitions realized that my concept of patience was incorrect. “to want to have something done about an evolving culture in the place denotes an impatience with the culture” The first part is…
I wish you a happy holiday season. 2022 has been a good year for me personally. I have done many new things and I owe it to my friends, family, employees, and partners that I can do that. I want to thank everyone who…
This piece is meant as superficial report born out of personal but not exactly extensive experience. I don’t pretend to know all the facts, but rather intend to open a debate and offer perspective. Much in this report is negative, however being here in…
Let me be blunt. Yes it can be! The last two years were less than good to be honest. And regardless of what one may believe is right or what should be done or not, I think we can all agree there is room…
I just stumbled upon an interesting tool of Google called: Book Ngram Viewer. Using this tool you can compare how words have appeared in books. It measures the density of words in books. In the above chart we can see how the use of…
Let’s be honest, 2020 has not been good for business. I know some people have had a good year. However, this does not mean that the economy has been expanding. Usually in times of crisis not everyone is affected at the same time and some businesses appear to be doing well. However, if one doesn’t take precautions, one’s business can…
Thank you for taking precautions to save lives. We appreciate that you have taken measures to ensure our safety. But now we want to decide ourselves. Now we want to live our lives again. I am asking you to now help resolve our situation….